Golan Levin and Collaborators

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Archive for the 'external' Category

Computational Design Faculty Search at CMU

The School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University has announced a Tenure-Track Faculty Search in Design and Computation, for a position beginning August 2011: http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_job.php?id=795 The Position We are seeking a dynamic individual working in computational design to tackle global concerns, with experience in one or more of the following areas: information visualization and data […]

Installing Arduino with Firmata for MaxMSP and Processing in OSX

Firmata is a library which allows environments like Processing and MaxMSP/Jitter to communicate with the Arduino microcontroller over USB. More specifically, Firmata allows these environments to treat the tethered Arduino as a transparent interface board for communicating with sensors and actuators. This means that students learning MaxMSP or Processing can execute a reasonable subset of […]

Gibson/Recoder Live Cinema Performance at CMU, Wed. March 3

Live cinema artists, Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder will make a public performance and presentation next Wednesday at CMU! My lab, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, once again partners with Professor Melissa Ragona to bring an artist lecture/performance to Pittsburgh this spring. Coming up next Wednesday (March 3) at 6:30pm is an event featuring Sandra […]

Eric Singer Lecture/Performance at CMU, Wed. Feb. 17th

Robotics artist Eric Singer will make a public lecture/performance next Wednesday at CMU!The lab I direct, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon, is partnering with Professor of Art Melissa Ragona to bring a series of artist lecture/performances to Pittsburgh this spring. Coming up next Wednesday (February 17th) at 6:30pm is a presentation by […]

New Media Artworks: Prequels to Everyday Life

As an occasional emissary for new-media arts, I increasingly find myself pointing out how some of today’s most commonplace and widely-appreciated technologies were initially conceived and prototyped, years ago, by new-media artists. In some instances, we can pick out the unmistakable signature of a single person’s original artistic idea, released into the world decades ahead […]