Golan Levin and Collaborators

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Archive for the 'event' Category

New-Media Artists are the Unpaid R&D of Ad Agencies

This was a presentation I delivered at FITC’s ETA Conference in Toronto, 19 October 2012 From the program notes: “A surprising number of today’s most widely-used information technologies had their beginnings as provocative prototypes conceived and developed by new-media artists. In fact, new-media innovations are increasingly originated and shared by individual artists and tiny artist-collectives […]

“Radically Local” Presentation at the World Economic Forum

Two weeks ago, at the World Economic Forum’s “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” event in Tianjin, China, I delivered a brief presentation as part of a session on “Computing and Technology: A Springboard for the Human Mind” (yes.. that’s me in a suit). My presentation was structured according to a variant of the popular […]

“Smart Art” Presentation at the World Economic Forum

Earlier this month, I had the honor of presenting at the “Annual Meeting of the New Champions“, a World Economic Forum conference held in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China. The conference, which was dedicated to the theme of “creating the future economy”, included a panel on “Smart Art” which featured brief presentations by Hasan Elahi, […]

OpenFrameworks Developer Meeting 2011

Last week, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU proudly hosted the first international openFrameworks developer meeting — in which the lead creators of OpenFrameworks (an open-source, cross-platform, cross-compiler toolkit for creative coding in C++) encamped at the STUDIO to push forth version 0.70 of this powerful and widely-used library. Gathered together from five countries, […]

Punto y Raya Animation Festival at CMU, October 12

Tuesday October 12, 2010, 8pm McConomy Auditorium, CMU [map] This event is free and open to the public. The STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University will bring the Punto y Raya (Dot and Line) animation festival to campus on Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 8pm in McConomy Auditorium. Admission is free. This festival, which […]