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Thursday September 23: The Pittsburgh Gigapanorama Photo Shoot!

20 September 2010 / announcement, project, studio

What: Participate in a citywide, high-resolution panoramic photo!
When: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 11:00am-2:00pm
Where: Anywhere that’s visible from the U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh!
How: Follow @creativeinquiry on Twitter or Facebook for moment-to-moment updates!

People of Pittsburgh! You are invited to appear in an enormous 360° panoramic photograph of Pittsburgh — the Pittsburgh Gigapanorama — that will be photographed with an ultra-high-resolution GigaPan camera from the top of the U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh’s tallest building. Wear a costume, make a sign, or strike a pose at the right time during the two-hour process — and then enjoy finding yourself in this monumental portrait of our city, which will be accessible online before the end of October!

Here’s how you join the fun:

  1. Check out the 30-gigapixel First Pittsburgh Gigapanorama (http://www.gigapan.org/gigapans/47373), which we photographed from the top of the U.S. Steel Tower last year. Try zooming “all the way in” until you can see street signs and individual people, just to get an idea of the amazing resolution of GigaPan images. On Thursday, we’ll shoot a new version — during the Pirates game at PNC Park — with even higher resolution than before!
  2. Choose a place where you’ll be visible. Use the first panorama to help choose a place that has good visibility from the top of the tower, and which is legally accessible for you. Remember: the closer you are to Downtown, the more visible you’ll be.
  3. Note your orientation to the Tower and save time. Starting at 11am, we’ll broadcast updates every 5 minutes on Twitter and Facebook to let you know which direction the GigaPan camera is pointing! We recommend you use the Google Map of the U.S. Steel Tower (http://bit.ly/USSteelTowerMap) to determine whether you’ll be North, East, North-East, North-North-East (or whatnot) in relation to the Tower. Our team will make announcements in 10-degree increments, so it will help if you understand the numbers on a “compass rose diagram” like this one.
  4. Do your thing. Wear a funny costume, make a sign, show civic pride, or strike a pose in your chosen location. (Keep it legal and school-suitable, please, or we may have to edit you out.)
  5. Let us know what you’re up to! Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook or regular email at studio-info@andrew.cmu.edu to let us know where to find you!

This project was initiated by David Bear during a fellowship at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, with support from the Sprout Fund and the Heinz Endowment. The GigaPan Camera, related panoramic imaging tools, and imaging support for this project were developed and provided by the Create Lab at the CMU Robotics Institute. Got questions? Reach us on Twitter, Facebook or regular email at studio-info@andrew.cmu.edu.

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