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Golan Levin and Collaborators

Catalogues and Lists

A Bibliography of Synesthesia and Phonesthesia Research

Compiled by Shelly Wynecoop and Golan Levin
Interval Research Corporation, July 1996

This bibliography was used in the development of: Wynecoop, Shelly. "Phonesthetic 'Pointiness' in the Auditory and Visual Modalities". Unpublished Masters' thesis, University of Chicago, 1998.

This bibliography treats the topics of synaesthesia and multi-modal cognition as they are discussed in the research literatures of cognitive science, linguistics and experimental psychology. The bibliography has a particular emphasis on phonesthesia (also called phonetic symbolism, sound symbolism, or linguistic iconism), which is a cross-modal mapping that occurs between the perception or production of spoken phonemes, and some other cognitive domain such as shape or color. The bibliography was originally compiled for a project at Interval Research Corporation in 1996, and in its present state contains references up to that date. It is arranged alphabetically by author.

Keywords: bibliography, synesthesia, synaesthesia, phonesthesia, phonaesthesia, phonestheme, phonetic symbolism, sound symbolism, linguistic iconism, chromesthesia, chromaesthesia, cross-modal mapping, multi-modal mapping, references, articles.

Alphabetic index by author:

Related resources online:
Linguistic Iconism Association
Phonosemantics and Linguistic Iconism Web Sites
Leonardo Bibliography of Synesthesia in Art and Science
Sean Day's Synesthesia Bibliography


Aiken, C. (1942). Music. In C. Aiken (Ed.), Brownstone Eclogues and Other Poems, New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce.

Albertoni, P. (1889). Über Beziehungen zwischen Farben und Tonen. Centralblatt für Physiologie, 3, 345-347.

Alford, L.B. (1918). A Report on Two Cases of Synesthesia. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 13.

Allport, G.W. (1935). Phonetic Symbolism in Hungarian Words. Unpublished manuscript, Harvard.

Amos, T.E. (1987). Perceiving Musical Rhythms in Different Sense Modalities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47 (7-A), 2356-2357.

Anshütz, G. (1925). Untersuchungen zur Analyse musikalischer Photismen. Archiv für die Gesamte Psychologie, 51, 155-218.

Anshütz, G. (1926). Untersuchungen über komplexe musikalische Synopsie. Archiv für die Gesamte Psychologie, 54, 129-273.

Argelander, A. (1927). Das Farbenhörhen und der syntetische Factor der Wahrnehmung. Jena: Fischer.

Arnheim, R. (1949). The Gestalt Theory of Expression. Psychological Review, 56, 156-171.

Arnheim, R. (1969). Visual Thinking. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Arnheim, R. (1972). Toward a Psychology of Art: Collected Essays. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Asch, S.E. (1955). On the Use of Metaphor in the Description of Persons. In H. Werner (Ed.), On Expressive Language, pp.29-38. Worcester, MA: Clark University.

Attneave, F. (1950). Dimensions of Similarity. American Journal of Psychology, 63, 551-556.

Atzet, J., & Gerard, H.B. (1956). A Study of Phonetic Symbolism among Native Navajo Speakers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 524-528.


Balinger, D.L. (1950). Shiraree and the Phonestheme - Allan F. Hubbell [Book Review]. American Speech, 25(2), 122.

Baratoux, J. (1887). De l'Audition Colorée. Les Proges Médical, 6, 515-517.

Baron-Cohen, S. (1987). Hearing Words and Seeing Colours: An Experimental Investigation of a Case of Synesthesia. Perception, 16(6), 761-767.

Baron-Cohen, S. (1993). Coloured Speech Perception: Is Synesthesia What Happens when Modularity Breaks Down? Perception, 22(4), 419-426.

Baudelaire, C. (1857). Les Correspondances, in Les Fleurs du Mal [Poem]. Paris: Calmann-Levy.

Beals, R., Krantz, D.H., & Tversky, A. (1968). The Foundations of Multidimensional Scaling. Psychological Review, 75, 127-142.

Beaunis, H., & Binet, A. (1892). Sur Deux Cas d'Audition Colorée. Revue Philosphique, 33, 448-460.

Beck, J. (1967). Perceptual Grouping Produced by Line Figures. Perception and Psychophysics, 2, 491-495.

Ben-Artzi, E., & Marks, L.E. (1995). Visual-Auditory Interaction in Speeded Identification: Role of Stimulus Difference. Perception and Psychophysics, 57, 1151-1162.

Bently, M. & Varon, E.J. (1933). An Accessory Study of Phonetic Symbolism. American Journal of Psychology, 45, 76-86.

Berko, J. & Brown, R.W. (1960). Psycholinguistic Research Methods. In P. Mussen (Ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Child Development, 517-557. New York.

Berlin, B., & Kay, P. (1969). Basic Color Terms. Berkeley, CA.

Bermant, R.I. & Welch, R.B. (1976). The Effect of Degree of Visual-Auditory Stimulus Separation and Eye Position upon the Spatial Interaction of Vision and Audition. Perception and Motor Skills, 43, 487-493.

Bernard, J.W. (1986). Messaien's Synaesthesia: The Correspondence Between Color and Sound Structure in his Music. Music Perception, 4(1), 41-68.

Bernstein, I.H., & Edelstein, B.A. (1971). Effects of Some Variations on Auditory Input upon Visual Choice Reaction Time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 87, 241-247.

Bernstein, I.H., Eason, T.R., & Shurman, D.L. (1971). Hue-Tone Interaction: A Negative Result. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 33, 1327-1330.

Bekesy, G.v. (1959). Similarities Between Hearing and Skin Senses. Psychological Review, 66, 1-22.

Billow, R.M. (1977). Metaphor: A Review of the Psychological Literature. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 81-92.

Bilotta, J., Guare, J., & Lindauer, M.S. (1981). The Relationship Between Field Independence/Dependence, Creativity, and Physiognomy in Men and Women. JSAS: Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 11, Ms. No. 2287.

Binet, A. (1892). Le Probleme de l'Audition Colorée. Revue des Deux Mondes, 113, 586-614.

Binet, A., & Philippe, J. (1892). Étude sur un Nouveau Cas d'Audition Colorée. Revue Philosophique, 33, 461-464.

Binet, A. (1893). L'Application de la Psychométrie a l'Étude de l'Audition Colorée. Revue Philosophique, 36, 334-336.

Black, M. (1962). Models and Metaphors: Studies in Language and Philosophy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Bleuler, E. & Lehmann, K. (1881). Zwangsmässige Lichtempfindungen durch Schall und verwandte Ersheinungen auf dem Gebiete der anderen Sinnesempfindungen. Leipzig: Fue's Verlag.

Bleuler, E. (1913). Zur Theorie der Sekundärempfindungen. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 65, 1-39.

Blomeyer, R. (1987). Analytische Psychologie und Ich-Psychologie. Analytische Psychologie, 18(2), 135-146.

Bolinger, D.L. (1946). The Sign is Not Arbitrary. Boletin del Instituto Caruso y Caro, V, 52-62.

Bolinger, D.L. (1965). Forms of English: Accent, Morpheme, Order. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Bolinger, D.L. (1975). Aspects of Language. (Second ed.) New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Bond, B., & Stevens, S. S. (1969). Cross-Modality Matching of Brightness to Loudness by 5-Year-Olds. Perception and Psychophysics, 6, 337-339.

Boring, E.G., & Stevens, S.S. (1936). The Nature of Tonal Brightness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 22, 514-521.

Bowers, J.W. (1990). Dating a Figure of Thought. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 5, 249-250.

Boynton, R.M. & Gordon, J. (1965). Bezold-Brücke Hue Shift Measured by Color-Naming Technique. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 55, 78-86.

Bornstein, W. (1936). On the Functional Relations of the Sense Organs to One Another and to the Organism as a Whole. Journal of General Psychology, 15, 117-131.

Bornstein, W. (1970). Perceiving and Thinking: Their Interrelationship and Organismic Organization. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 169, 673-682.

Braaten, R. (1993). Synesthetic Correspondence between Visual Location and Auditory Pitch in Infants. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, DC.

Brackbill, Y., & Little, K.B. (1957). Factors Determining the Guessing of Meanings for Foreign Words. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54, 312-318.

Brown, R.W., Black, A.H., & Horowitz, A.E. (1955). Phonetic Symbolism in Natural Languages. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 50, 388-393.

Brown, R.W. (1958). Words and Things. New York: Free Press.

Brown, R.W., & Nuttal, R. (1959). Method in Phonetic Symbolism Experiments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59, 441-445.


Calkins, M.W. (1893). A Statistical Study of Pseudo-Chromesthesia and of Mental Forms. American Journal of Psychology, 5, 439-464.

Calkins, M.W. (1895). Synaesthesia. American Journal of Psychology, 7, 90-107.

Carello, C. et. al. (1993). Haptic and Visual Matches for Haptically Perceived Extent are Equivalent. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31(1), 13-15.

Carroll, J.D., & Arabie, P. (1980). Multidimensional Scaling. Annual Review of Psychology, 31, 607-649.

Castel, L.-B. (1725). Clavecin par les Yeux, avec l'Art de Peindre les Sons, et Toutes Sortes de Pieces de Musique. Mercure de France, 2552-2577.

Castel, L.-B. (1735). Nouvelles Experiences d'Optique et d'Acoustique. Memoires pour l'Historie des Sciences, pp. 1444-1482, 1619-1666, 1807-1839, 2018-2053, 2335-2372, 2642-2768.

Castel, L.-B. (1740). L'Optique des Couleurs, Fondée sur les Simples Observations, et Tournée sur-tout a la Pratique de la Peinture, de la Teinture et des Autres Arts Coloristes. Paris: Briasson.

Chastaing, M. (1958). Le Symbolisme des Voyelles: Significations des 'i' I & II. Journal de Psychologie, 55, 402-423; 461-481.

Chastaing, M. (1960). Audition Colorée: Une Enquête. Vie et Langage, 105, 631-637.

Chastaing, M. (1961). Des Sons et des Couleurs. Vie et Langage, 112, 358-365.

Chastaing, M. (1962). La Brilliance des Voyelles. Archivum Linguisticum, 14, 1-13.

Chastaing, M. (1964). L'Opposition des Consonnes Sourdes aux Consonnes Sonores et Muettes: A-T'elle une Valeur Symbolique? Vie et Langage, 147, 367-370.

Chastaing, M. (1965). Dernieres Recherches sur le Symbolisme Vocalique de la Petitesse. Revue Philosophique, 155, 41-56.

Chastaing, M. (1965). Pop - fop - pof - fof. Vie et Langage, 159, 311-317.

Chastaing, M. (1966). Si les 'R' étainent des 'L' (Part I). Vie et Langage, 173, 468-472.

Chastaing, M. (1966). Si les 'R' étainent des 'L' (Part II). Vie et Langage, 174, 502-507.

Childers, T.L., & Houston, M.J. (1984). Conditions for a Picture-Superiority Effect on Consumer Memory. Journal of Consumer Research, 11, 643-654.

Chomsky, N., & Halle, M. (1965). Some Controversial Questions in Phonological Theory. Journal of Linguistics, 1, 97-138.

Churchill, A.V. (1960). Tactual and Visual Interpolation: A Cross-Modal Comparison. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 14, 183.

Claparede, E. (1900). Sur l'Audition Colorée. Revue Philosophique, 49, 515-517.

Claparede, E. (1903). Persistance de l'Audition Colorée. Comptes Rendus de la Société du Biologie, 55, 1257-1259.

Clark, H.H., & Brownell, H.H. (1975). Judging Up and Down. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1, 339-352.

Clark, H.H., & Brownell, H.H. (1976). Position, Direction, and their Perceptual Integrity. Perception and Psychophysics, 19, 328-334.

Clark, A. (1993). Sensory Qualities. Oxford, England: Clarendon.

Claviere, J. (1898). L'Audition Colorée. L'Année Psychologique, 5, 161-178.

Cohen, N.E. (1934). Equivalence of Brightnesses Across Modalities. American Journal of Psychology, 46, 117.

Collins, M. (1929). A Case of Synaesthesia. Journal of General Psychology, 2, 12-27.

Colman, W.S. (1894). On So-Called 'Colour Hearing'. The Lancet, 795-796.

Comalli, E.E. Jr. (1960). Studies in Physiognomic Perception VI: Differential Effects of Directional Dynamics of Pictorial Objects on Real and Apparent Motion in Artists and Chemists. Journal of Psychology, 49, 99-109.

Coriat, I.H. (1913). A Case of Synesthesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 8, 38-43.

Coriat, I.H. (1913). An Unusual Case of Synesthesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 8, 109-112.

Cowden, J.E., et. al. (1986). Sensory Integration in Developmentally Delayed Preschool Children. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 3(1), 22-34.

Cowen, P.S. (1984). Film and Text: Order Effects in Recall and Social Interferences. Educational Communications and Technology Journal, 32, 131-144.

Cutsforth, T.D. (1924). Synaesthesia in the Process of Reasoning. American Journal of Psychology, 35, 88-.

Cutsforth, T.D. (1925). The Role of Emotion in a Synaesthetic Subject. American Journal of Psychology, 36, 527-.

Cutsforth, T.D., & Wheeler, R.H. (1928). Synaesthesia in Judging and Choosing. Journal of General Psychology, 1, 497-519.

Cytowic, R.E., & Wood, F.B. (1982). Synesthesia I: A Review of Major Theories and their Brain Bases. Brain and Cognition, 41, 23-35.

Cytowic, R.E., Stump, D.A., & Larned, D.C. (1988). Closed Head Trauma: Cognitive, Somatic and Ophthalmic Sequellae in Nonhospitalized Patients. In H.A. Whitaker (Ed.), Neuropsychological Studies of Nonfocal Brain Damage, 226-264. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Cytowic, R.E. (1989). Synesthesia and Mapping of Subjective Sensory Dimensions. Neurology, 39(6), 849-850.

Czurda, M. (1953). Beziehungen zwischen Lautcharakter und Sinneseindrüken. Wiener Archiv für Psychologie, Psychiatrie, und Neurologie, 3, 73-84.


D'Andrade, R., & Egan, M. (1974). The Colors of Emotions. American Ethnologist, 1, 49-63.

Dagiri, O. (1958). On Phonetic Symbolism [Japanese]. In Y. Endo, K. Hatano, H. Kobayashi, M. Koshimizu, O. Miyago, H. Nakajima, & T. Obonai (Eds.), Science of Language. Vol. 3. Tokyo: Nakajima Shoten.

Dalrymple-Alford, E.C., & Budayr, B. (1966). Examination of Some Aspects of the Stroop Color-Word Test. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 23, 1211-1214.

Damhorst, M.L., & Reed, A.P. (1986). Clothing Color Value and Facial Expression: Effects on Evaluations of Female Job Applicants. Social Behavior and Personality, 14, 89-98.

Daniels-McGhee, S., et. al. (1994). The Imagery-Creativity Connection. Journal of Creative Behavior, 28(3), 151-176.

Davis, R. (1961). The Fitness of Names to Drawings: A Cross-Cultural Study in Tanganyika. British Journal of Psychology, 52, 259-268.

Day, R.S., & Wood, C.C. (1972). Interactions Between Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Processing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 51, 79-.

de Rochas, A. (1885). L'Audition Colorée. La Nature, Pt. 1, 306-307, 406-408; Pt. 2, 274-275.

De Ullmann, S. (1945). Romanticism and Synaesthesia. PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association), 60, 811-.

Debrunner, A. (1926). Lautsymbolik in alter und neuester Zeit. Germanische-Romanische Monatschrift, 14, 321-338.

Delay, J., Gerard, H.-P., & Racamier, P.-C. (1951). Les Synesthésies dans l'Intoxication Mescalinique. L'Encéphale, 40, 1-10.

Dellatre, P., Liberman, A.M., Cooper, F.S., & Gerstman, L.J. (1952). An Experimental Study of the Acoustic Determinants of Vowel Color; Observations on One- and Two-Formant Vowels Synthesized from Spectrographic Patterns. Word, 8, 195-210.

Demerse, B.J. (1941). The Scaling of Two-Syllable Adjectives in Terms of Their Sound and of Their Connotation. Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Iowa.

Dent-Read, C.H., & Szokolszky, A. (1993). Where do Metaphors Come From? Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 8, 227-242.

DeShepper, B., & Treisman, A.M. (1994). Visual Memory for Novel Shapes: Implicit Coding without Attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, submitted 9-24-1994.

DeShepper, B., & Treisman, A.M. (1994). Memory for Novel Visual Shapes. Manuscript.

Devereux, G. (1966). An Unusual Audio-Motor Synesthesia in an Adolescent. Significance of this Phenomenon in Psychoanalytic Therapy. Psychiatric Quarterly, 40, 459-471.

Dewey, J. (1934). Art as Experience. New York: Capricorn.

DiMattia, B.V. et. al. (1990). Crossmodal Short-Term Memory of Haptic and Visual Information. Neuropsychologia, 28(1), 17-33.

Domino, G. (1989). Synesthesia and Creativity in Fine Arts Students: an Empirical Look. Creativity Research Journal, 2(1-2), 17-29.

Downey, J.E. (1911). A Case of Colored Gustation. American Journal of Psychology, 22, 528-539.

Downey, J.E. (1912). Literary Synesthesia. Journal of Philosophy, 9(18), 490-.

Dresslar, F.B. (1903). Are Chromaesthesias Variable? American Journal of Psychology, 14, 368-382.

Dudycha, G.J., & Dudycha, M.M. (1935). A Case of Synesthesia: Visual Pain and Visual Audition. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 30, 57-.

Dyer, F.N. (1971). A Comparison of Chromatic and Achromatic Versions of the Stroop Color-Word Test. Psychonomic Science, 22, 235-237.

Dyer, F.N. (1973). The Stroop Phenomenon and its Use in the Study of Perceptual, Cognitive, and Response Processes. Memory and Cognition, 1, 106-120.

Dykes, J.R., Jr. (1981). Perceptual Encoding and Decision Strategies for Integral Dimensions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 56-70.


Eastlake, C.L. (1840). Notes to "Theory of Colors" by J.H. von Goethe. London: Murray.

Eberhardt, M. (1940). A Study of Phonetic Symbolism of Deaf Children. Psychological Monographs, 52(1), Whole No. 232.

Ekman, P. (1973). Darwin and Facial Expression: A Century of Research in Review. New York: Academic Press.

Ellson, D.G. (1941). Experimental Extinction of an Hallucination Produced by Sensory Conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 28, 350-361.

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Thanks to Andrea Boykowycz for her help in recovering and transcribing this document.