Golan Levin and Collaborators

Flong Blog + News

Summer workshops in interactive art & design!

26 February 2008 / announcement, lecture

I’m delighted to announce that I will be conducting weeklong workshops in Computational Arts at two gorgeous locations:

These workshops will be taught using Processing and will accommodate all levels of skill, from introductory to advanced. I’ll be covering themes such as interactive art, information visualization, audiovisual systems, and computer vision. There are still plenty of seats left in both workshops. Hope to see you in the mountains!

New Bewitched.com from Wattenberg

17 February 2008 / external

Infovis samurai Martin Wattenberg has just launched a major revision to Bewitched.com, the documentation site for his research and art. Finally, one place to find all of his projects, and lots of new ones, too.

Some Favorite Quotes

16 February 2008 / external, general, reference

I thought I’d share the following, a favorite quote from an article by Gabriella Hima:

The inmost aspiration of the author is the reader’s response. Electronic writing should be an appeal to the reader to take part in the creative process, to co-write the literary composition – the work. If once literature turns from an Aufschreibsystem into an Umschreibsystem, Myron Krueger’s allusion to McLuhan’s slogan – “response is the medium” – will become true. And then we could share McLuhan’s enthusiasm about the effects of media, when he wrote: “Nothing ever printed is as important as the medium of print.” We might say, regarding the possibilities of telematical media: Nothing ever said in response is as important as the invention of the medium of the response.

This is one of two clippings on my office door at CMU. The other quote is this one, from an interview with John Maeda in the New York Times.

Golan Levin at CAA, Feb. 20th

2 February 2008 / announcement, lecture, pedagogy

I will be presenting in the “Electronic and Emergent Media Art” panel at the College Art Association (CAA) Conference in Dallas on Wednesday, February 20th, at 2:30pm. I’ll show artwork created by my students and colleagues in the Electronic Time-Based concentration area of the CMU School of Art, where I teach. I’ll also be available to discuss our current new-media tenure-track/visiting faculty search with anyone who is interested.

Welcome to the Flong Blog.

27 January 2008 / site_update, thanks

Welcome to Flong! This WordPress blog syndicates brief announcements and other updates about my activities and observations. More generally, I’m delighted to announce that the revised Flong web site was launched on November 30th, 2007. I’m deeply indebted to Chris O’Shea for his assistance in designing and engineering this site. Thanks also to the WordPress team for a great product.