Golan Levin and Collaborators

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Archive for the 'lecture' Category

Malofiej Presentation: Graffiti+Infovis

I delivered this presentation at the Malofiej #22 Infographics World Summit, Pamplona, Spain, 27 March 2014. The subject of my talk was the possibility of combining the visual language of information graphics, with the communication strategies of graffiti and urban markup. Thanks to the Malofiej organizers for their hospitality and the honor of addressing this […]

New-Media Artists are the Unpaid R&D of Ad Agencies

This was a presentation I delivered at FITC’s ETA Conference in Toronto, 19 October 2012 From the program notes: “A surprising number of today’s most widely-used information technologies had their beginnings as provocative prototypes conceived and developed by new-media artists. In fact, new-media innovations are increasingly originated and shared by individual artists and tiny artist-collectives […]

“Radically Local” Presentation at the World Economic Forum

Two weeks ago, at the World Economic Forum’s “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” event in Tianjin, China, I delivered a brief presentation as part of a session on “Computing and Technology: A Springboard for the Human Mind” (yes.. that’s me in a suit). My presentation was structured according to a variant of the popular […]

“Smart Art” Presentation at the World Economic Forum

Earlier this month, I had the honor of presenting at the “Annual Meeting of the New Champions“, a World Economic Forum conference held in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China. The conference, which was dedicated to the theme of “creating the future economy”, included a panel on “Smart Art” which featured brief presentations by Hasan Elahi, […]

Wats:ON Festival at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, March 17-20

Next week, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry will host the Wats:ON Festival, which brings interdisciplinary artistic innovators to campus to share their insights through a diverse offering of lectures, performances, workshops and exhibitions. This year’s festival has been curated by Pablo Garcia and Spike Wolff, and is themed around “Virtuality” — events include a lecture […]